36 Favorite Motivational Quotes to Keep you Moving
A list of my favorite quotes to keep you motivated, inspired and shift your perspective!
Table of Contents
36 Favorite Motivational Quotes to Keep you Moving, Inspired, and make you think differently.
I’m such a quote person.
Whether I’m reading a book, listening to a podcast, watching a movie, listening to someone speak, etc. – I’m looking for those “mic drop” quotes or sentences that really energize, motivate, inspire me or make me think differently. Those phrases that make you go – wait, what?!
Funny how simple sentences or questions can change the way you look at life, changing the way we feel, act and the results we create.
Awhile back I started saving them all in the notes section of my phone, but figured I would compile them all into a blog post so others can benefit from them – so here it is 🙂
How Motivational Quotes actually help us move forward, get motivated and inspired
Motivational quotes are like little sparks that ignite a fire within us, providing a boost of inspiration and encouragement. The magic lies in their succinct yet profound wisdom. They are usually simple – so easy to digest and remember, but impactful.
When we encounter challenges or feel a bit stuck, these quotes serve as powerful reminders of our potential, resilience, and inner strength. They have a unique way of reframing our thoughts, nudging us to see situations from a positive perspective. By repeatedly exposing ourselves to these uplifting messages, we start rewiring our mindset.
It’s not just about reading words; it’s about absorbing their energy and letting it influence our actions. Incorporating motivational quotes into our daily routine serves as a continuous source of motivation, empowering us to look at obstacles as opportunities and challenges that make us stronger.
How to incorporate motivational quotes into daily life
- Morning Routines: Kickstart your day with a dose of inspiration by incorporating motivational quotes into your morning routine. Place a favorite quote on your bathroom mirror or set it as your phone’s wallpaper. As you get ready, take a moment to absorb the positive vibes and carry them with you throughout the day.
- Daily Affirmations: Integrate motivational quotes into your daily affirmations. Create a list of your favorite quotes and repeat them aloud as affirmations. Whether during meditation or a morning mantra session, affirming these quotes can set a positive tone for the day ahead.
- Workspace Decor: Spruce up your workspace with motivational quotes. Place them on your desk, pin them to your bulletin board, or have a dedicated quote wall. Glancing at these quotes during work breaks can serve as a quick mental recharge, keeping you motivated and focused.
- Digital Reminders: Leverage technology to your advantage. Set daily reminders on your phone or computer with motivational quotes. These pop-up messages will serve as timely prompts, injecting positivity into your day and helping you stay motivated, especially during hectic schedules.
- Journaling: Make motivational quotes a part of your journaling routine. Start or end your day by writing down a quote that resonates with you. Reflect on how it applies to your life and jot down any thoughts or actions inspired by the quote. Over time, this practice can cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset.
Have your own favorite motivational, inspirational or insightful quotes? Leave them here in the comments or share in my facebook group!
36 Favorite Motivational Quotes to Keep you Moving, Motivated, Inspired, and make you think differently
- “What if I just don’t break this promise to myself?” – Rachel Hollis
- “If you do the work it will work”
- “When you’re not feeling motivated, do it anyways”
- “I’m never going to be Beyoncé, and Beyoncé will never be me” – Sarah Williams
- “What’s breaking you is building you” – Trent Shelton
- “Do something today your future self will than you for”
- “The greatest masterpieces in your life aren’t made by perfect pieces they’re made by broken pieces.” –Trent Shelton
- “It was meant to happen that way. How do we know? Because it did.” – Brooke Castillo
- “We’re all planting seeds, and they all will grow – what will your harvest look like?” Trent Shelton
- “Discomfort is the currency of your dreams” – Brooke Castillo
- “Are you creating your thoughts or are your thoughts creating you?” – Brooke Castillo
- “Whatever it is you’re practicing – you’re getting better at.” – Brooke Castillo
- “We can only get what we fully believe ..make a decision to believe it can happen” – Cathy Heller
- “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.” – Evelyn Waugh
- “When you don’t feel like taking the action focus on the result.”
- “What we think about we bring about – if all you think about is what you want that’s what you’ll have”
- “Our brain looks for evidence of what we believe to be true”
- “You get more dopamine from the pursuit of your dreams than actually achieving them”
- “What you focus on grows.”
- “Live in the present but focus on the future.”
- “Your thoughts are the currency to your dreams” – Ed Mylett
- “Success is built from failures and discomfort.”
- “You have the potential to transform your world.” – John Maxwell
- “You can never get enough of something you don’t want – Geneen Roth
- “Challenges can either destroy you, define you or make you stronger”
- “True self love is taking all three versions of yourself into consideration – past, present and future.” – Brooke Castillo
- “Don’t sit down and wait for opportunities to come, get up and make them. I got my start by giving myself a start.” -Madame CJ Walker
- “Define who you want to become and decide to be that person.”
- “You never fail until you stop trying” – Albert Einstein
- “Fall down seven times. Get up eight.” (Japanese proverb)
- “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” -Steve Jobs
- “Whatever you appreciate you create more of.”
- “Things that hurt instruct” – Benjamin Franklin
- “We can not become what we need remaining what we are” –John Maxwell
- “Clarity comes with action” – Marie Forleo
Which motivational quote is your favorite? Have your own favorite motivational, inspirational or insightful quotes? Leave them here in the comments or share in my facebook group!