How to Avoid Food Temptations and Manage Cravings (10 Steps!)
Sharing my 8 top tips on how to avoid food temptations and manage cravings so you can feel more confident and in control around food and drinks, and have them when you want to, not because you feel like you have to!
Table of Contents
10 Steps to Avoid Food Temptations and Manage Cravings
The tempting foods will always be there, but once we learn how to manage them (the way we want to) we can handle ANY situation! (Wouldn’t that be amazing?!)
From giving in to all temptations and cravings to intentionally managing them
Right before I left working in my office – someone literally came up to my desk, tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted a donut – Open box in hand with napkins for me to take one..
I said no thanks, turned back to my work, and realized how easy it was for me to decline. Then I thought about how at one point (not that long ago) it would have been a lot more difficult – and the drama that would have ensued in my head. I would have went back and forth about eating one or not, the guilt, the calories, etc. etc. I would have obsessed over it. I would have gotten annoyed at my co-workers (or whoever had the “treats,” especially if I decided to have one and felt guilty after).
I hear questions like this every day – and I’m sure you guys do too! How in the world do we reach our health goals and stick to a healthy diet and eating habits with all of these temptations?
What if I told you it would only be challenging for a little while – then it would become almost effortless?
Below I’m sharing the steps I take 90% of the time – to keep me on the path to eating with confidence, control and empowerment, whether it’s a donut, smoothie or a kale salad. And you can too!
How to Avoid Food Temptations and Manage Cravings (10 Steps)
HAVE A PLAN BEFOREHAND. Work with a health coach (like me!) to make a healthy eating plan or create your own to follow. The key here is that you have one, it’s clear, and you know:
- What foods you want to be eating and which ones you don’t
- How much you want to consume
- What reasons you want to be eating for (hunger, planned activity), and which ones you don’t (emotional, mindless, etc.)
- What will you do when faced with food temptations, urges and cravings to eat when it’s not on your plan?
SLOW DOWN – STOP. Take a breath before making any decisions or eating because the tempting food is there or you’re craving it. I remind myself that just because we see/hear about food, doesn’t mean we have to eat it. I pay *attention* to my thoughts and how I am believing this food will make me feel, without actually DOING anything. Related Blog Post: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You
MAKE AN INTENTIONAL DECISION (in my head – not with my hands on a plate) if I want to eat it or not, and how much. Remember we are in control – starting with our thoughts. Consider:
- Is it worth it?
- Will it leave me feeling how I want?
- Am I hungry/ is this food fueling me -or- is this food providing a rare or exceptional pleasurable experience? In the case above – the coffee chain donuts – were doing neither – making it that much easier to decline them!
PLATE MY FOOD – I take the portion of food that I DECIDE to eat, in whatever I have that is separate from the serving dish/container, and enjoy it. This could be a napkin, plate, or even your hand. Check out my blog post with more mindful eating tips here.
LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT – If I take a bite or two and I’m not enjoying it – I throw it out and be done with it
CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF – I evaluate how I’m feeling – and how I want to feel – are they the same? When I am tempted to go back for more – I ask myself:
- will I really be happier/more content with one more, or….
- will I just want more and more?”
- The answer is almost always the latter.
I remind myself – I’ve already enjoyed, and that sometimes more isn’t better – its just more.
REPEAT FOREVER – Repeat and Repeat, until it becomes a habit!
ACKNOWLEDGE THAT OUR GOALS ARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY we can control ourselves and our food choices, but not anyone else’s. When we decide to take full ownership for our choices regardless of what’s around us – we take our full power back and can truly handle any situation.
PLAN FOR NEXT TIME AND DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL DO. As you read this post, you know that at some point in your life, you will experience this again. Whether it’s with your coworkers, friends, spouse or kids. If you make a plan ahead of time (like, now) of what you are going to do – it takes the thinking and guesswork out of it in the moment. It allows you to then rely on commitment and dedication to yourself, rather than willpower.
Your plan can be going through the above steps, or whatever works for you. My husband has a chocolate chip cookie and cocktail almost every night. Yes, sometimes I see him and want one too, and sometimes o have one, but for me and my life goals right now, that isn’t something I want to be doing. I could ask him to stop, or I could make a habit out of not partaking. The more you do it the easier it is! I hardly even notice him doing it anymore.
Key takeaway – removing, avoiding or blaming the chips, ice cream cookies, circumstance or person doesn’t solve the problem, but knowing how to handle / overcome the urges, and make empowered, intentional decisions is what it’s all about.
Let me know your thoughts on this!
Have additional questions or need guidance in reaching your health goals? Contact Me to see if one of my coaching programs is a good fit!